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Reclaim your power!

Many of us think that life happens to us and that we have no control over it. We believe Life is hard and unfair. and that it isn't our fault that we are not happy or don't have the Life we desire. Ultimately, making our own happiness the fault of those around us. However, when we continue to make excuses and blame others, we are actually giving our power away. Today offers you an opportunity to reclaim your power- to take back your power, stand on your own two feet and start loving your life. Today, stop looking to others to define who you are, or who you are not and to stop wasting your waking moments worried about what others think of you. The only way you can truly be happy is to realize that your thoughts, emotions, actions, and decisions are your own responsibility and no one else’s. Today make the choice to re-claim your power to create the life you desire. Be your own leader of your own Life!

Just for today, I release the need to blame anyone, including myself. We are all doing the best we can we the knowledge, understanding and awareness we have. I am a powerful person because I create my own life and my own reality through my thoughts and beliefs. I claim my own power and lovingly create my own reality. I am courageous. I am whole. I stand in my power. And so it is.