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Your life is essentially the sum of your habits.What you repeatedly do and what you spend your time thinking about and doing each day ultimately forms the person you are. They form the things you believe, and the personality that you portray. Habits in truth are not all together negative things for they govern our lives and allow us to engage in a multitude of daily tasks without overloading our brains.However, your habits can also be keeping you stuck and stopping you from growing and changing. Today, begin to become aware of the habits and routines that no longer serve any purpose in your life. Then, set your intentions on replacing those habits with new ones that support and promote your health and happiness. Begin to establish new routines, "habits" in your home and work life. In the long run, a little structure and some new habits can bring more happiness and freedom into your life.

Just for today, I choose to feel good about myself each day. Every morning I remind myself that I have a choice to feel good. This is a new habit for me to cultivate. For every habit, for every experience that I go through over and over, for every pattern I repeat there is a need within me for it. When I find a positive way to fulfill the need I can release the habit and the problem.I am willing to grow and change and I am always safe, divinely guided and protected. And so it is.