
Shame. Everybody has it. Nobody wants to talk about it. However, the less we talk about it, the more power it has over us. Moreover, shame goes to the core of our being and can make us feel as if there is something inherently wrong with us and that we are just not good enough. And, when you are in shame, you cannot see the bigger picture. You feel alone, exposed, profoundly flawed, and want to isolate or hide. Today, it is time to shine a light on your shame-on the things you have done or been that you continue to hold onto and hide from the world-and, then let them go. Today, you can begin to rewire your shame filter with new experiences of self-empathy and self-compassion. Today,  understand that you did the best you could in any given situation, and then shower yourself with love and compassion. It’s scary bringing shame to light, but the minute you allow yourself to do so,   you will step into newfound freedom, you will learn who you are outside of the identities everyone else has given you,  and you will become fully yourself. And, when you shine a light on your shame and then let it go, you will see the worthy, deserving, more-than-enough person that you are and have always been. Today, let go of the shame it’s only holding you back, and you deserve so much more!

Just for today, I release the need to judge or criticize myself.  I am doing the best I can with the knowledge, understanding, and awareness that I have right now. I forgive myself for all past perceived wrongs. I am now free to love myself exactly as I am. I release all shame from the past. I am willing to release it and live in this moment. Life supports me in every way, and out of this situation, only good will come. And so it is.

Soul Healing Happening🌚

Today,  Mercury and Chiron align in the fiery sign of Aries, inviting you to tend to your deepest wounds, especially as they relate to your identity. Chiron, the "Wounded Healer," illuminates the deepest, often most painful parts of our psyche, not as a curse but as a catalyst for growth and healing. In Aries, those wounds relate to your sense of self—how you assert your independence, face rejection, and deal with feelings of abandonment. These wounds can shake the very foundation of your identity and worth. Yet, it is through these trials that Chiron in Aries offers you a path toward empowerment. Today, allow this conjunction to remind you that the path to healing is not about erasing your scars but understanding their meaning and turning them into symbols of your resilience and courage. Allow today’s healing energies to help you understand that your wounds do not define you; they refine you, preparing you for a journey filled with greater confidence and self-assurance. From a soul's perspective, these challenging moments often foster immense growth. Today, allow yourself to be healed!

Just for today, I affirm that I have the power to heal myself. I know that healing happens when I get my mind out of the way and allow the intelligence of my body and my soul to do their healing naturally. I know that healing means making whole and accepting all parts of myself, not just the parts I like. I know that all the answers that I seek are already within me. I trust my inner wisdom. My intuition is always on my side and everything always is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Happy St Patty’s Day🍀

Happy St. Patty’s Day! A day that is said to bring luck to us all!  However, luck, in reality,  is an illusion. Although we cannot control everything that happens, we can break the habit of attributing things to luck. We can instead embrace our ability to make positive changes for our futures. By dismissing the illusion of luck and embracing our ability to change our lives for the better, we become empowered to then make our own luck. We then all become lucky. Luck is far from a mystical power out of our control or something that can be stored in amulets or charms; luck comes from deep within ourselves. It is something we can create with nothing more than a shift in our perspective, a realignment of our attitudes. Today, embrace this new outlook with an open heart and a positive attitude, free of the negativity and powerlessness associated with the cycle of luck. Challenges are unavoidable in life, but when you consider yourself the creator of your own luck, you set yourself up for success and happiness. Today, make the change and remember: the grass is always greener where you water it. Today, set your intentions, create your own luck, and then get lucky!

Just for today, I am always creating my own luck! I recognize that Life is very simple. I create my experiences with my thinking and feeling patterns. And, what I believe about myself and my life becomes true for me. I choose to believe that I am an unlimited being, receiving from an unlimited source in an unlimited way. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams, and I am grateful for all my blessings. And so it is.🍀


Creativity is not a luxury item, even if we’re taught to give more power to our thinking and reasoning skills.  In truth, every one of us is creative in our own ways, even if we’re not “artistic” or musical.  In fact, we all create everything and everyone in our lives.  Furthermore, creativity, in whatever form we desire, helps us become who we are. And in truth, creativity allows us to be seen, expressed, and healed.  When we are expressed, we become who we truly are. When we are healed, we become better versions of ourselves. When we are seen, our truth and goodness shine in the world. And when we express, heal, and shine, we help others to do the same. Today, set your intentions to allow yourself to be seen by expressing what’s in your heart and then allow yourself to be healed. Today, choose to create the life you desire.

Just for today, I am always in touch with my creative source. I recognize that the key to creativity is knowing that my thinking creates my experience. I use this key in every area of my life. I release all resistance to fully expressing my creativity and lovingly create the life I desire. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

New Super Moon in ♓️

We have a Super New Moon in Pisces, the last sign in the astrological calendar!  New Moons represent the start of a new cycle, leading us into the fresh energies of the astrological new year and the transformative energies of Eclipse season, both of which follow this New Moon. In fact, this Super New Moon is a reset for our souls. It is a chance to dream, a chance to set intentions, and to visualize what it is that we would like to create moving forward. And the energy of this New Moon is about flowing with what comes up and trusting our inner wisdom. This energy doesn’t want us to get wrapped up in our minds with all the details; it wants us to listen to our hearts, to trust, to flow, and to be ok with not knowing the way. This type of surrender, this level of trust, does not come easy, but the New Moon is asking us to ride this wave. If you are going through a challenging time, try to avoid controlling or planning and instead get into your body. Feel your way through the situation and be ok with taking each step as it comes. Today, create quiet time to reflect on what feels right for your soul. Stop yourself from thinking your way into a new master plan and just flow with what is happening right now. Today, surrender, trust, and allow yourself to be divinely guided on the next steps of your journey. Today, use the New Moon energy to help you take it one day at a time, one moment at a time, and to just be present with what is.

Just for today, I surrender to what is. I let go of what was, and I have faith in what will be.  I now trust the power that created me to protect, guide me, and love me at all times and under all circumstances. I am at peace with the process of life. And everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Full moon in Virgo

We have a beautiful Full Moon in the sign of Virgo, and it is a reminder to us that significant changes are the result of small, consistent actions.⁠⁠ With Virgo, it's the little things. For you see, Virgo teaches you the art of discernment and healthy habits. So, under this Full Moon, you will be given the energy to support the fine-tuning of what nourishes you and what needs to be released.⁠⁠ Today, use the Full Moon energy to begin to trust your instincts and allow them to guide you on what and with whom you need to let go, making space for new people, places, things, and habits to enter your life.  Today, create some time to consider if your attachments to people or situations stem from a sense of duty or obligation rather than a genuine connection.⁠ Today, acknowledge and accept that you were not intended to live a life of sacrifice.  In truth,  to serve others, self-care must be your priority. Today, commit to caring for your body and enhancing your connection with your spiritual self.  Under the light of this Full Moon, let go of the fear of putting yourself firs, so you can enjoy the blessings of your life. 

Just for today, I am willing to let go. I release all negative thoughts about the past and all worries about the future. I practice forgiveness daily to move out of the past and into the present moment. I let go of all expectations, knowing that Life will always care for me. I let go of everything that is not love. I am safe, and out of this situation, only good will come. And so it is.

Endings and new beginnings

Today, we enter Pisces season. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces Season is a time of culmination and closure. It is a time to wrap up the energies of the previous 12 months and prepare for new people, places, and things to enter our lives. Today, as we end this astrological year, make time for reflection and to see how far you have come and where you remain stuck and mired in conflict and struggle. As you begin to recognize how much you have grown and changed, you may also want to finally be able to let go of all the people, places, things, beliefs, and habits that truly no longer serve any purpose in your life, even if they bring you a false sense of security. Remember, new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. So, today, allow yourself to let go, trust, and make room for the new to fill the empty space created by letting go of what no longer serves you.  

Just for today, I am open to the magic and mystery that this new beginning brings. I listen to my feelings, and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends, not just the ones I like. I embrace change and willingly let go of everything that does not serve any purpose in my life. I begin and end each day with gratitude and joy. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.


Changing a lifetime of mental habits is an ongoing process, not a one-time quick fix because in truth our brains are built to reinforce behavior that feels safe and comfortable, even when that behavior hurts us more than helps us. And, although there truly is no quick fix for those mental habits, there is one place that can free you from the prison of your habits and that is by remaining in this present moment. For you see by living deeply in the present moment you will be able to understand the past better and you will be able to prepare for a better future. Today, acknowledge that this present moment holds your power to a better day and a better future. Today, accept that your past is done and the pain and suffering were only intended to teach you lessons about your life and about yourself. It is only in this present moment and every present moment of this day will you be able to experience the happiness and peace that you have been seeking. Today, set your intentions to remain fully present-fully immersed in this present moment. Today, consciously stay in the present moment and recognize that your thoughts aren't always reality. Consciously stop yourself from creating what-ifs and imagined scenarios. Although all your imagined scenarios may seem real, you must consciously recognize that they are not in the present moment and may never become real. Today, remember there is only one time that is important and it is now! The present moment is the only time when we have any power. Today, choose to live in this present moment!

The pain of being ignored 😔

Being ignored can be triggering for many of us. In truth, when someone ignores you, it can feel like a rejection of your worth as a person. And, ignoring can be a form of emotional abuse that makes you doubt yourself. There are many possible reasons why someone might ignore you, such as anger, insecurity, or fear. And, no matter the reason, when someone ignores you, it can feel like a rejection of your worth as a person. Furthermore, ignoring can be a passive-aggressive way of communicating dissatisfaction, anger, or resentment. It can also be a sign of low emotional intelligence, insecurity, or narcissism. Today, the Universe wants us to find new ways of coping with being ignored. First and foremost, it is important to focus on your own well-being. So, if you have been triggered by being ignored, step away and take some time to see what’s behind your pain.  Then, when you are clear about why you are being hurt by being ignored, then you can decide to address your pain with the other person or walk away, perhaps for good.  Ignoring other people is worst than bullying them.  Today, it is time to know that you are valuable, worthy and do not deserve to ever be ignored.  We all have people in our lives, who for what ever reason use the art of ignoring as a power play.  Today, consciously walk away from those people.  Today, accept that you are intrinsically worthy of so much more than ever being ignored. Today, consciously reclaim your power and then create the life you desire.  

Just for today, I am worthy of all that is good in this life. It does not matter what other people do, say or ignore. What does matter is how I react and what I believe about myself. I believe that I am lovable because I exist. I believe I deserve so much more than I have accepted.  I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Happy Valentine's Day 💝

It’s Valentine’s Day-the day that is much maligned, much cherished, much hated, and one of the most misunderstood day of the year. A day that has become commercialized and perhaps has lost its true meaning.  So today, it is time for each one of us to reclaim the true meaning of Valentine’s Day. Today, set your intentions to reclaim Valentine’s Day as a holiday of real Love; as a holiday to express the true meaning of love. And that of course begins with you loving yourself. When you truly love yourself, you are able to cherish and appreciate yourself for the wondrous being that you are. And, loving yourself enables you to create a life of joy and fulfillment and allows you to love freely and without conditions. Remember that everything in your outer world is a mirror of what goes on in your mind and how you feel about yourself. If you want to find love and acceptance in your outer world, then that’s what YOU must first give to yourself. Today, be your own Valentine’s and stop criticizing yourself—now and forevermore. Love and accept yourself as you are right now. When you do, you’ll blossom in ways that you can’t even imagine. Love will heal you and help you build true meaningful relationships. Your love for yourself will work miracles in your life. Be your own Valentine today and every day moving forward.  Today, love yourself and then share that love with others.

Just for today, I remember that Life is very simple. What I give out comes back to me. Today I choose to give out love. I am comfortable in looking in the mirror and saying "I love you". I recognize that love happens when I release the desperate need for love, and instead, allow it to find me in the perfect time in the perfect way. I draw love and acceptance into my life, and I allow myself to accept it now. I am beautiful and everyone loves me. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Embrace your anger👌

None of us like to be angry and therefore we do almost anything to avoid feeling it.  However, right now the Universe wants us to step it up and to step out of where we are, out of our comfort zones and make big changes.  And, if you're feeling the urge to break from restrictive relationships or circumstances that you’re in right now, then you're ron the right track! And, now is the perfect moment to chart a new path. And, that new path begins with embracing your anger. Today, embrace your anger and allow it to guide you. Embracing your anger does not mean throwing a tantrum or "blowing" away the perceived source of your anger-a source that is outside yourself. But rather,  embracing anger is turning inward to know your heart. It means spending time with your anger to learn what is under it—what’s really going on inside of you. Anger is a warning sign that you may want to investigate your feelings-"something is not right”, or there is a lesson to be learned. Embracing your anger may seem counter-intuitive, but in doing so you become aware of old, unconscious reactive patterns. In becoming aware of those patterns you free yourself to choose from a place of power. Fully in your power, you allow yourself to be fully present to experience life from the only moment you ever have—this present moment. Today, respect your anger and let it guide you on your path forward.

Just for today, I listen to my feelings, and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends I accept all parts of myself. I recognize that I am worthy of so much more than I am currently accepting. I release all fear and doubt and Life becomes simple and easy for me. Everything is working out for my highest good. And all it truly well in my world. And so it is.

Happy New Year & New Moon 🌑

We have a New Moon in Aquarius, marking the start of the lunar new year and welcoming in the Year of the Wood Dragon. The Dragon is one of the most promising signs in the Chinese zodiac because of its ability to swim, fly, walk on land, and travel between dimensions. The dragon represents power and courage but symbolizes peace and the need to unite. The Year of the Dragon is a prosperous year where innovation and business can flourish, and we can step into greater power and authenticity. The energy is ripe for new beginnings and undergoing new ventures, but we have to create stability and work from the heart. And, it is not a coincidence that our New Moon energies also support our authentic expression, which ultimately helps to change the collective and our world.  Today, set your New Moon intentions to begin this New Year by opening yourself up to receiving and recognizing the value you offer the world in which you live. Allow the New Moon energies to help you to love and respect yourself more so you will be able to share that love and your talents with the world. We often forget how mighty we are. We forget that we create our lives and everything and everyone in it. We forget that our energies are connected and ripple out far beyond ourselves. So, today, begin anew by recognizing your power, respecting yourself more, sharing your true self and your true talents, and having the courage to get back up again and begin again as a whole new authentic self. Today, we know that by healing ourselves, you and I are healing the world which desperately needs healing.  Today offers us a “do-over” to begin a new year in a whole new way.

Just for today, I begin anew and allow myself to create the life I desire.  I am courageous and can change my life.  I love myself enough to go beyond all my old limitations. As I change my thoughts and beliefs, the world around me changes. I am safe. I am learning my lessons.  And everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

You are not everyone’s cup of tea😳

One of the most freeing things that we can learn in life is that everyone doesn’t have to like us, and that is perfectly okay. In truth, the world is full of people who, no matter what you do, flat out will not like you. But it is also filled with people who will love you just as your are. Today, begin to recognize that being disliked by some people is simply a byproduct of you being authentic to who you truly are. It is a byproduct of the other person’s experiences and beliefs and really doesn’t have a lot to do with you. When you spend your life being a chameleon so that people will like you, the universe has no idea who you really are and you end up with people who are really not compatible with you in your life. The more you embody your true persona, the more incompatible people will pull away from you and that is okay, because at the same time, the more you adopt your true self, the more like minded people you’ll draw toward you. Today, acknowledge and accept that you are not for everyone, and that is just okay.

Just for today, as I move through the layers of other people's opinions and beliefs, I see within myself a magnificent being, wise and beautiful. It does not matter what other people say or do or whether they like me or not. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I choose to feel good no matter what others think, say or do. Life brings me only good experiences and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.