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Rest and restore

You need to rest! Our modern idea of success is to work longer and longer hours until we crash. Companies often praise and reward the ‘hardest workers’ and for some of us, working and working "harder" gives us value. The result is that we have a society where rest is considered to be a reward, or even worse, indulgent. Today, recognize, that rest is a cornerstone of a healthy, happy, and productive life. In fact, rest throughout the day is as important as food, water, and sleep.Rest isn’t an excuse to work less, it’s a natural method to help you work better, and more importantly, feel better! Today, let go of the idea that only when you are working or "being" productive are you a valuable human being. In reality, the more you work, the harder you work the less productive you become. Today, no matter what your ego tells do not push yourself. It is time for you to rest and restore.

Just for today, I listen to my body and I ask it what it needs-rest, relaxation, exercise, a hug from a friend or a good meal? I give my body what it needs. My life is joyously balanced between work, rest and play. They all get equal time. Every once and awhile, I give myself permission to do absolutely nothing. I am so much more than my work. I am a blessed child of the Universe and I have value because I exist. I am more than enough just as I am. I am safe and in truth, all is truly well in my world. And so it is.