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Pre-rolls...mystery solved

I’ve been traveling to licensed dispensaries throughout southern California the past couple of weeks and I have had a hard time finding any flower to buy. Oh, don’t get me wrong there were bushels of cannabis flower, all in little glass containers with childproof wrapping. All pre-rolls say that they contain “premium”, the finest, the greenest, the best cannabis flower available. I, however, can attest to that is not always the truth. So, I thought I would write about my “criteria” in purchasing a pre-roll.

First, let’s get an overview of the pre-roll industry. There is no question about it: pre-rolled joints (or “prerolls” in industry lingo) are one of the most popular cannabis items sold in licensed dispensaries here in San Diego and in most states that have legalized recreational cannabis. And, aside from all the different natural, hemp, and traditional rolling paper choices, pre-rolls can be filled with specific specific strains, a blend of indica, sativa or hybrid strains, or just high-CBD flower. Some pre-rolls can be even be infused with high-THC oils, kiefs or extracts, making them even more potent and costly.

So, the first thing that is important that you know is what you want your pre-roll to do for you-up, down or middle of the road. You, of course, know your weed strains from reading my blog, so be sure to choose pre-rolls that are strain specific-you will know what the taste and effects will be. The generic indica, hybrid and sativa pre-rolls always turn out tasting bland and doing almost nothing to your mind or body.

Next, always inspect the label to see the percentage of cannabinoids -THC and CBD, the date the product was made and if you are really adventuresome, go to the company’s website and track your lot number to see where and when you cannabis flower was grown. Also, check the weight of your pre-roll-some are a full gram, while others can be as light as .5 gm. Make sure you know what you are buying, as in everything you buy in life.

Finally, do not spend a fortune on any pre-roll! The prices range anywhere from $6-$35/pre-roll and several companies are offering three pack mini joints, which are convenient and seem to have less waste since they can be consumed in two or three sittings. Pre-rolls are my go to in most licensed dispensaries because they are affordable and I have very low expectations so I am rarely disappointed.

The most popular pre-rolls in San Diego licensed dispensaries are Lowell’s Smokes from Lowell’s Farms. . I know the folks from Lowell’s Farm and they were a part of one of the cannabis paired dinners I did last year. Their pre-rolls are reliable, mid-priced but do not expect fireworks to go when you consume them.

I’ve tried so many brands that they all seem to blend together. However, one brand that did stand out was Lola Lola. I tried a three pack by Lola Lola, called 3 Cone Kits, which came strain specific,Sunset Sherbet in my case, and they came in a fancy box with wooden matches. I liked these pre-rolls and they cost $35. However, when I went back to buy more, I was told the company is no longer in licensed dispensaries. And, that is seems to be the case with pre-rolls, companies come and go. So, use your cannabis knowledge, common sense and always try a couple of brands, one is likely to always be available.

Pre-rolls have there place in my life. I do expect them to be filled with craft cannabis. But, they are convenient, cost effective and sometimes they do the trick in a pinch. One final note: do not buy any house rolled pre-rolls. They will only make you cough and feel kind of ill! Remember, they are cheap and you have no idea what went in them. Don’t bother and don’t waste your time or your money.