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“Letting go isn’t the end of the world; it’s the beginning of a new life.” When you’ve invested a lot of time and energy in an experience, a relationship or for that matter in a job, it can feel like a death when it is time for it to end and for you to move onto some thing new. When a relationship ends, it might feel like you’ll never love again. When a job ends, you might think you’ll never find another job. Today, it is time to recognize that you will begin again and that every ending, in truth, welcomes in a new beginning. Just like every experience is impermanent, every feeling eventually fades and morphs into something else. Happiness becomes sadness becomes happiness again. Today, be willing to let go of yesterday and stay open to the possibilities that today offers you. By doing so, you just may be surprised by how much you gain after a loss. Today, know that every loss paves the way for a gain, if you are willing to receive it. Every time you let something go, you open yourself up to something better. Be willing and open to the NEW that is just waiting for you to allow it to come into your life.

Just for today, I recognize that this is a new day, one that I have never seen before. I begin anew and claim and create all that is good. The past is over and done and has no power over me. I can begin to be free in this moment. I know that today's thoughts create my future. And, in order to change my life outside, I must change the inside first. The moment that I am willing to let go and change, it is amazing how the Universe begins to help me. It brings me everything that I need. I am safe and everything in my life works now and forevermore. And so it is.