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Have you been feeling nervous, emotional, or had weird things happen to you this week? This is a reminder that we are still in Mercury Retrograde until March 28th. This retrograde in Pisces is designed to heal your soul wounds so you can get closer to your soul's intentions. It is resurrecting in of ALL of us issues about self-worth, empowerment, assertiveness and how you can stand up for yourself. Although these energies can leave you feeling fearful and unbalanced, they are intended to help you or in some cases, to force you to heal some really old wounds. So, no matter whether you are getting used to those newly empowered energies or you're still being taken by surprise by each lesson, today focus on staying centered, find ways to ground yourself and most importantly be yourself.

Just for today, I am one with the power of the Universe. I claim that power now and it is easy for me to stand up for myself. I am neither to little or too much and I do not have to prove myself to anyone. I no longer wait to be perfect in order to love myself. I choose to love myself as I am right here and right now. I am safe and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.