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You are good enough!

Your thoughts create your world, and you can absolutely take charge of them. It is impossible to overstate the importance of paying attention to what stories you’re telling yourself and learning how to change those stories into ones that best serve you. Feelings of inadequacy always start with negative thoughts that you have about yourself. However, those thoughts have no power over you unless you act upon them. Thoughts are only words strung together. They have no meaning whatsoever. Only you give meaning to them, and you do so by focusing on the negative messages over and over again in your mind. Today, begin to change the stories you tell yourself. Change the channel that keeps running the same stories that you just aren't good enough. Change your running dialog to "you are always perfect, always beautiful, and ever-changing." "You are doing the best you can with the understanding, knowledge and awareness that you have right now." And accept that as you grow and change more and more, your “best” self will only get better and better. Change your story to you are always good enough and it will then become your truth.

Just for today, I am good enough. I am perfectly happy to be me. I love and approve of myself exactly as I am. I am beautiful and everyone loves me. And so it is.