The new normal

It's raining in May, which may not seem odd to you if you don't live in San Diego, but I do and rain in May is odd.  In fact, I can't remember rain ever in May,  since I've moved to SD twenty years ago.  Upon researching San Diego's current weather, I found out that San Diego is indeed currently 134% above its normal rainfall.   That new normal for San Diego's weather seems to be just one of many new normals that I'm trying to adapt to these days.

Perhaps, "new normals" are just part of the process of being alive.  However, this year has presented so many new normals, so quickly and in such a complete manner, that It's hard for my mind to keep up with what is normal for me today.  I continue to reach out for people, places and things, which are not part of my new normal.  It's as if by muscle memory, my thoughts and actions want to return to the old normal despite my intentions to adjust to the new normal.   And when I do reach out to the old normal, you can bet I get burned.  I try the old normal and all I keep getting is the same old results. I think that is the definition of insanity, right?! Well, it sure felt like I was going insane this morning, as I tried to push an old button and got the same old, disheartening results.

So what is my new normal.  My new normal is one in which I honor and love myself first. I love myself first, so that I can better take care of others.  I accept people as they are in hopes that they accept me.  Because I honor myself and my feelings, I let go of those people who do not honor me or my feelings.  My new normal is free from fear and doubt and filled with faith.  In my new normal, the one that I created,  I choose to believe that all my changes will be easy to make.  And, so it is.