
Most of us have been taught to follow our heads not our hearts or passions. Therefore, we make most of our adult decisions from our minds. We think, analyze and rationalize. Then, we use that information to set the course of our journey. However, our monkey minds can often lead us astray, over and over again. Today, allow your passion to guide you. Begin by becoming aware of what you are passionate about. Whatever it is you are passionate about, be it a person, place, creative expression or activity, it is important that you find an outlet for your feelings and your passions! When you express your heart's desires, you open yourself up to abundance and joy. Today, set your intentions to be more creative in your life. After all, you are the only one who creates everything and everyone in your life. Today, follow your passion, create the life you desire and in doing so you will find immeasurable joy in all you do.


Just for today, I recognize that the key to creativity is that my thinking creates my experience. I use this key in every area of my life. My unique talents and abilities flow through me and are expressed in deeply fulfilling ways. My creativity is always in demand. I am an open channel for ideas and I am learning to be more creative every day. I love being me and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.