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Go with the flow

One of the biggest sources of our unhappiness and discontent is not being able to adapt to change; instead, we cling to things we’ve lost or get upset because things don’t unfold as we want them to. We plan our lives expecting good to come our way, to get what we want, and for things to work out how we planned. At the same time we’re chasing the good, we try to avoid the bad. And most of all we just want to avoid change. Today, become aware that no matter what kind of life you live, you need to learn to adapt and to flow with Life because everything changes. Good and bad come and go in everybody’s life. Today, set your intentions to flow with what is happening right now in your life. Accepting the fact that everything is always changing and learning to go with the flow will bring you one step closer to happiness. Today, accept what is, look for the silver lining, and adapt. Keep looking for the good in every moment and learn from the tough ones. This is how you will not only survive but thrive: by embracing each moment for what it is and choosing to make the best of it, you will find a life far greater than you could ever plan. Life is not about what happens to you but how you react to it, and some of your biggest disappointments can lead to better things in your life, if and when you let go, adapt and just go with the flow.

Just for today, I flow easily and effortlessly with new experiences, new challenges and new people who enter my life. I let go of all expectations and flow freely and lovingly with Life. I love myself and I know that only good awaits me. I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my ever changing life. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.