Worrying is such a waste of time!

The biggest waste of time in all of our lives is worrying. Time spent worrying, is time spent not living. Worrying by its very nature takes us out of the present moment and into the past, ruminating over what has already happened or into the future, projecting what might possibly come to pass. Worry keeps us trapped in our heads and keeps us from truly enjoying life, as it’s unfolding. Although some amount of planning and looking ahead is always necessary, the act of worrying is always optional. Today, recognize that worry is a total waste of time. It doesn’t change anything. All is does it steal your joy and keep you very busy doing nothing.

Just for today, I recognize that worrying is a waste of time. I now release all negative thoughts about the past and all worries of the future. I know that the thoughts that I choose to think and believe now are creating my future. Those thoughts create my experiences tomorrow, next week and next year. Everything is working out for my highest good. And, all is truly well in my world right now.