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Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer

Today we have a Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is the sign of the Divine Mother and while not all of us are lucky enough to know what it’s like to be cared for, nurtured, and loved by our mother, we all have the power within to care for, nurture, and love ourselves. We all have the power to stand up for what we need and to honor and celebrate the nurturing, intuitive, and loving parts of ourselves. Today, set your new moon intentions to become your own good mother-a person who nurtures, cares, loves and supports you, no matter. Let this new moon energy help you to get in touch with what you really need and how you can do a better job meeting those basic needs of safety, security and unconditional love. In reality, only YOU can know what you need and to honor those needs.

Just for today, I am now a complete, secure, independent adult, fully capable of taking care of myself and sharing my love and strength with the world. I love myself enough to take excellent care of myself. I am not my parents nor their patterns. I am my own true self and I am free to love me. I am safe. I am nurtured. I am loved. And so it is.