Embrace your angerđź‘Ś

None of us like to be angry and therefore we do almost anything to avoid feeling it.  However, right now the Universe wants us to step it up and to step out of where we are, out of our comfort zones and make big changes.  And, if you're feeling the urge to break from restrictive relationships or circumstances that you’re in right now, then you're ron the right track! And, now is the perfect moment to chart a new path. And, that new path begins with embracing your anger. Today, embrace your anger and allow it to guide you. Embracing your anger does not mean throwing a tantrum or "blowing" away the perceived source of your anger-a source that is outside yourself. But rather,  embracing anger is turning inward to know your heart. It means spending time with your anger to learn what is under it—what’s really going on inside of you. Anger is a warning sign that you may want to investigate your feelings-"something is not right”, or there is a lesson to be learned. Embracing your anger may seem counter-intuitive, but in doing so you become aware of old, unconscious reactive patterns. In becoming aware of those patterns you free yourself to choose from a place of power. Fully in your power, you allow yourself to be fully present to experience life from the only moment you ever have—this present moment. Today, respect your anger and let it guide you on your path forward.

Just for today, I listen to my feelings, and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends I accept all parts of myself. I recognize that I am worthy of so much more than I am currently accepting. I release all fear and doubt and Life becomes simple and easy for me. Everything is working out for my highest good. And all it truly well in my world. And so it is.