Spoiler alert 🚨

Try as we may to eliminate financial challenges, overwhelming responsibilities,  unhealthy relationships, and anything else that may cause us stress, life, it seems, may never be easy, as we keep expecting it to be.  We may always have different challenges to address in our lives. But, maybe simplicity isn’t really about eliminating problems; maybe it’s learning to embrace them, face them, and grow from them, instead of seeing them as something to resist or to struggle with. Perhaps “simple” or “easy” has nothing to do with the circumstances in our lives, and everything to do with the mindset we foster in accepting and responding to them. Today, the Universe wants us to let go of the fairytale that one day are lives will be “easy” and instead consciously accept what is happening in them right now.  Today, accept that you can’t change the fact that life will be complex at times, but you can cause yourself a lot less pain by accepting that, instead of fighting it, questioning it, and wishing you could change it. Life will inevitably involve challenges; and sometimes they’ll work in our favor and sometimes, not.  And, although none of us relish problems, they allow us to create, innovate, and stretch both ourselves and the world we know. Today, let go of your need for your life to finally be easy!  Today allow yourself to begin to recognize all the opportunities within the complexity of your life and find the strength to seize them.

Just for today, I flow easily with new experiences, new challenges, and new people that enter my life. I will not be distracted by noise, chatter or setbacks. I will allow patience, commitment, purpose and grace to guide me. I am a capable person. I can handle anything that comes my way. I am safe. It is only change and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.