
Creativity is not a luxury item, even if we’re taught to give more power to our thinking and reasoning skills.  In truth, every one of us is creative in our own ways, even if we’re not “artistic” or musical.  In fact, we all create everything and everyone in our lives.  Furthermore, creativity, in whatever form we desire, helps us become who we are. And in truth, creativity allows us to be seen, expressed, and healed.  When we are expressed, we become who we truly are. When we are healed, we become better versions of ourselves. When we are seen, our truth and goodness shine in the world. And when we express, heal, and shine, we help others to do the same. Today, set your intentions to allow yourself to be seen by expressing what’s in your heart and then allow yourself to be healed. Today, choose to create the life you desire.

Just for today, I am always in touch with my creative source. I recognize that the key to creativity is knowing that my thinking creates my experience. I use this key in every area of my life. I release all resistance to fully expressing my creativity and lovingly create the life I desire. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.