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Happy St Patty’s Day🍀

Happy St. Patty’s Day! A day that is said to bring luck to us all!  However, luck, in reality,  is an illusion. Although we cannot control everything that happens, we can break the habit of attributing things to luck. We can instead embrace our ability to make positive changes for our futures. By dismissing the illusion of luck and embracing our ability to change our lives for the better, we become empowered to then make our own luck. We then all become lucky. Luck is far from a mystical power out of our control or something that can be stored in amulets or charms; luck comes from deep within ourselves. It is something we can create with nothing more than a shift in our perspective, a realignment of our attitudes. Today, embrace this new outlook with an open heart and a positive attitude, free of the negativity and powerlessness associated with the cycle of luck. Challenges are unavoidable in life, but when you consider yourself the creator of your own luck, you set yourself up for success and happiness. Today, make the change and remember: the grass is always greener where you water it. Today, set your intentions, create your own luck, and then get lucky!

Just for today, I am always creating my own luck! I recognize that Life is very simple. I create my experiences with my thinking and feeling patterns. And, what I believe about myself and my life becomes true for me. I choose to believe that I am an unlimited being, receiving from an unlimited source in an unlimited way. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams, and I am grateful for all my blessings. And so it is.🍀