Reclaim your power

As we move toward tomorrow's Full Moon in Scorpio you may begin to start to feel it's intensity build. After all Scorpio is the sign known for its intensity. This Full Moon and its energy can help reveal where your power lies and where you are giving it away. Today, as you interact with other, notice where you are not being true with your emotions. This could take the form of pleasing others at your own expense or expending lots of energy ignoring or giving others the silent treatment. Today, being honest and direct is your best course of action. Pay attention because this Full Moon is teaching you how to own your power.


Just for today, I am in charge. I take back my own power. I appreciate all that I do. I speak up for myself. I ask for what I want. I am good enough just as I am. I claim my own power and lovingly create my own reality. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


Drama loves more drama. Pain loves more pain. Negativity loves more negativity. Drama is a part of all of our lives and it comes in many forms. However, it is possible to stop responding to it. The first step is to recognize drama when it is in front of you. If someone is saying one thing and doing another, this is a sign of drama. Do not be fooled. What you see is exactly what it is. Another sign that drama is present is a false sense of urgency, being imprinted on you from another person’s frenzy of charged emotions. If something is not life threatening and you are told it needs to be done right now and you feel a sense of fear, chances are, drama is in front of you. Once you practice recognizing drama, you will better equipped to not respond to it, which in turn, allows drama to dissolve and to be stopped in its tracks. Not responding to drama is a practice. Not responding to drama means silence. It means not asking questions that take you deeper into the scenario. It means not agreeing or disagreeing, either with words or body language. Not responding means neutrality and not lending energy to the person or situation. This is a challenging practice and it may feel uncomfortable.

Today begin to recognize that the most powerful thing you can do to remove drama from your life is to sit with the discomfort of not responding. By not lending energy to something you do not want, you immediately create a closer connection to what you do want. Today, if you want less drama in your life, drop your drama at the door. If you want more peace, be more peaceful. And remember…don’t respond to drama and drama won’t come back around anymore.


Just for today, I release all drama from my life and I now get energy from the peace within me. I say 'out" to every negative thought comes to my mind. No person, place or thing has any power over me for I am the only thinker in my mind. I create my own reality and everyone in it. I live a simple life with very little drama. I am safe and everything in my life works now and forevermore. And so it is.


Honoring your needs while balancing the needs of others can be a challenging dance. And if you are an empath, you may find yourself giving more than you receive. You may even think that being a nice, kind, generous person always means people would treat you the same way in return. However, we all know that isn't always the case. Today, the Universe wants to teach you to be more generous with yourself and to learn to treat yourself with as much respect and care as you do others.Today set your intentions to balance giving and receiving. Even if you natural tendencies are to feel guilty or not worthy of receiving, you just might find that becoming a good receiver as well as a good giver can bring unexpected gifts and can leave everyone feeling abundant and blessed.


Just for today, I am a balance of giving and receiving, of being and doing, of intention and conscious action. I am safe in all my relationships. I give and receive lots of love. I am worthy of all that is good in life and I accept it now. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.

Embrace your femininity

Everyone has feminine and masculine qualities that define who they are. Your masculine side gets expressed when you're working toward a goal, making progress, getting things done, and pushing forward. Your feminine side gets expressed when you move with the flow of life, embrace your creative energy, dance and play. In this day and age of multitasking, it is easy to lose touch with your feminine side, since your masculine side mistakenly seems to be so powerful and get things done. But, it also can leave you feeling burned out, overworked, fragmented, and exhausted. Today, embrace you feminine side and allow its energy to restore, inspire, and enliven you.


Just for today, the masculine and feminine parts of me are in perfect balance and harmony. I know that it is healing to show my emotions and it is safe for me to be vulnerable. I am divinely protect, guided and loved. And, everything always is working out for my highest good. And so it is.


You can change your future by rewriting your past. We all have our stories about our past. Today take a look at how you show up in your personal stories. Do you beat yourself up for not being perfect? Do you judge yourself or others too harshly? Or are you always the victim to life circumstances? Today, set your intentions to let go of any judgements or hard feelings toward to your past. In doing so you will create a more joyous future. You are moving forward into a new phase of your life-be patient with yourself in this present moment, it is creating your future.


Just for today, I have the patience to be kind to myself as I discover the truth of who I am. I no longer judge or criticize myself. I know that I am doing the best I can in any given moment. I am at peace with the process of Life and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Begin anew

Today is a day of new beginnings! A day that offers you a new lease on life, a new perspective and a renewed sense of purpose. After an emotionally charged week filled with insights, which resulted from great challenges, you are being offered an opportunity to begin again with more insight and greater purpose. From great struggle, suffering and challenges come great awakenings and opportunities to take a look at your life in a whole new way. Today offers you an opportunity to look at what you have been doing that hasn't been working in your life and to make certain that, you begin to respond differently! Today, allow yourself to begin anew.


Just for today, I recognize that this is a new day, one that I have never seen before. I stay in the now and enjoy each and every moment. I know that yesterday is over and done and that today is the first day of my future. I begin anew and claim and create all that is good. And so it is.


One of our biggest spiritual lessons is to understand that everyone is doing the best they can at any given moment. People can only do so much with the understanding, awareness, and knowledge that they have.The greater their own inner pain, the more they may lash out and act badly. This is not to say that their behavior is acceptable or excusable. However, for your own spiritual growth, you must be aware of their pain.And, the person who is hardest to forgive is the one who can teach you the greatest lessons. Today, set your intentions to forgive. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Recognize that the act of forgiveness takes place in your own mind. It really has nothing to do with the other person. The reality of true forgiveness lies in setting yourself free from the pain. It’s simply an act of releasing yourself from the negative energy that you’ve chosen to hold on to. Forgiveness is never about the other person, it is always about you and allowing yourself to be at peace, rather than being right. Today, choose to forgive.


Just for today, the door to my heart opens inward. I move through forgiveness to love. I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love. I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the best way I know how. I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I now choose to fill my life with joy. I forgive and set myself free. And so it is.


We all have a set of thoughts and beliefs that keep us mired and stuck in places and feelings that do not serve us any longer. Whether it's the belief that you will be finally happy if you reach a certainly goal; or if people really knew you that wouldn't like you or that finding inner peace is hard. Today, take some time to turn inward and start to become aware of what thoughts and beliefs are stopping you, in this moment, from experiencing peace and true happiness. Then, consciously let them go. Realize that in reality you do not need to do anything or get anywhere to experience inner peace and true happiness. Your inner peace is already within you even if it is hidden behind layers of old beliefs, which no longer serve you. Today, let go and you will discover the peace and happiness that you've been seeking.


Just for today, I am willing to let go. I am willing to let go of old patterns and beliefs. I am willing to release old, negative beliefs. They are only thoughts that stand in my way. My new thoughts are positive and fulfilling. I am always safe and I trust the power that created me to protect me and guide me at all times and under all circumstances. And so it is.

You are loved!


Just for today, I recognize that in any given situation, I always have a choice between love and fear. I choose love. I release all destructive fears and doubts. I accept myself and create peace in my mind and heart. I am loved. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.


Whatever issues life presents us, whether small or big, we think about them. We think about what to do, what not to do, and what would be “best” for us and for everyone around us. We think a lot! But how often do we think about our thinking, our overthinking? When do we stop to question why we over-think, whether it’s productive, and how to overcome it? Today, offers you a wonderful opportunity to get out of your head and stop overthinking. The truth is we all have a constant stream of thoughts meandering through our minds. That’s part of being human. However, you get to choose which of those to engage with and that is always where your power lies-the choice of what you think. Today begin to become aware that overthinking in reality does not bring you more insight, the "right" answers or the correct decision. Next, know that your decision is never final. Over-thinking often comes from the notion that you will make a grand finale decision that will never change and must be correct. Being comfortable with being wrong, and knowing that your opinions and knowledge of a situation will change with time, will offer you a sense of true inner freedom and peace. Finally, in reality you don’t have to stop thinking, you simply need to be selective about whether you believe your thinking and whether you are attached to it. Today, if you find your head buzzing with a bazillion ideas, go out and move your body-, which will allow your body to catch up with your mind. Today, just accept that you cannot control everything for it is the aim of your overthinking, and it’s ultimately holding you back. You always have choice of what you think, today think less, feel more and forgive.


Just for today, I have the power over what I think about. My thoughts do not control me. I release my obsessive thoughts and let them go. I am always in control of what I think and what I choose to believe. I release all limitations based on old negative thoughts. I joyfully look forward to the future. I am safe and I am always divinely. guided, protected and loved. And so it is.


How many times a day do you use the word “should” in reference to yourself or other people? The word “should” has become a fixture in our everyday language and in our every day inner dialogue. We use it in conversation with others, as a way of motivating ourselves or keeping ourselves in check, and to express a myriad of feelings, including frustration, guilt, and regret. Today, begin to become aware how often you use the word should in your daily life. Begin to recognize that telling yourself that you should be doing more or being more isn't actually helping you do more or be more. In truth, by using the word "should" you are actually telling yourself that you are not enough, just as you are. When you use the word “should,” you are not accepting reality. You are talking about things that you wish were so, but aren’t (or vice versa). When you tell yourself or other people that you should or they should be doing something , you are reinforcing the negative, and the fact that we or they are not doing it. Although removing the word “should” from your vocabulary will take time, patience, and practice. But it is possible, and it comes with great rewards. Replacing “should” with more helpful dialogue will lead to a kinder relationship with yourself, and better relationships with the people around you too. Today stop "shoulding" on yourself and other people, replace the world should with could and just accept your life and yourself as you are or as you are becoming.


Just for today, I replace the word should with could. I recognize that I have the power to create all that I wish for with my mind and my thoughts. I am truly someone special. I create my experiences with my thinking and feeling patterns. What I believe about myself and about my life comes true for me. I do not fix my problems, I fix my thinking and my problems fix themselves. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Stop worrying about what people think of you

No matter what you do some people will never like you. No matter what you do some people will always like you. Either way, it has nothing to do with you. And it’s really none of your business.

The truth is, other people’s opinions of you are none of your business. Their opinions have nothing to do with you and everything to do with them, their past, their judgments, their expectations, their likes, and their dislikes.Today, consciously choose to stop worrying about what other people think about you and your need for other people's approval. Constantly worrying about what other people think is draining and keeps you from experiencing life fully and genuinely. Today, recognize that when you give ownership of your feelings over to others, you give up control over your emotions, over your life. In truth, the only person that can hurt your feelings is you. Conversely the only person who can make you feel worthy and valuable is you. Today, choose to stop worrying about what other people think of you and free yourself from the prison of approval and begin to start living your life authentically you.


Just for today, I know that I am far more than other people's opinions. My opinion of myself is the only one that counts. As I move through other people's belief and opinions, I see within myself a beautiful and wise being. I love what I see when I look inside me. It does not mater what other people say or do. What does matter is how I choose to respond and what I choose to believe about myself. I am doing the best I can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that I have right now and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.