
You are enough!  You do enough and in all likelihood, you have enough.  But, somehow most of us never feel the completion and serenity that comes with knowing that we are enough, just as we are.  Today, the Universe wants you to know that you are enough!! Today, accept that you are enough as you are, mess and all, beautiful and broken, showing up for your life every day. And, today that is all you have to be and all you have to do because you are already enough. You are enough means you can grow and change and continue to become, because you aren’t trying to prove yourself. You are enough means that you don’t have to strive to become more worthy, more valid, more acceptable, or more loved. You already are all of those things. There are things that you might want to be more of. More open. More honest.  More authentic. More free. More connected. More intentional. More purposeful. Those are all expressions of your enough-ness. They aren’t about changing yourself, they’re about being yourself. You were enough before, you are enough now, and you will continue to be enough as you become more of who you were made to be. Today, hold that belief in your mind and your heart, and know that no matter what, you are enough!

Just for today, I am willing to release the need to feel unworthy. I am worthy of the very best in Life and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it. I do not have to earn love. I am lovable because I exist. I am now open and receptive to receiving all that is good in Life. I am enough and I am safe in all my relationships. I give and receive lots of love. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Spoiler alert 🚨

Try as we may to eliminate financial challenges, overwhelming responsibilities,  unhealthy relationships, and anything else that may cause us stress, life, it seems, may never be easy, as we keep expecting it to be.  We may always have different challenges to address in our lives. But, maybe simplicity isn’t really about eliminating problems; maybe it’s learning to embrace them, face them, and grow from them, instead of seeing them as something to resist or to struggle with. Perhaps “simple” or “easy” has nothing to do with the circumstances in our lives, and everything to do with the mindset we foster in accepting and responding to them. Today, the Universe wants us to let go of the fairytale that one day are lives will be “easy” and instead consciously accept what is happening in them right now.  Today, accept that you can’t change the fact that life will be complex at times, but you can cause yourself a lot less pain by accepting that, instead of fighting it, questioning it, and wishing you could change it. Life will inevitably involve challenges; and sometimes they’ll work in our favor and sometimes, not.  And, although none of us relish problems, they allow us to create, innovate, and stretch both ourselves and the world we know. Today, let go of your need for your life to finally be easy!  Today allow yourself to begin to recognize all the opportunities within the complexity of your life and find the strength to seize them.

Just for today, I flow easily with new experiences, new challenges, and new people that enter my life. I will not be distracted by noise, chatter or setbacks. I will allow patience, commitment, purpose and grace to guide me. I am a capable person. I can handle anything that comes my way. I am safe. It is only change and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

You are never alone❤️

We often think that admitting struggle is a sign of weakness, but we all struggle sometimes. We all get overwhelmed sometimes. We all need help sometimes. Acknowledging that you need help is not a sign of weakness, but struggling alone is a choice to grow weak. Today, acknowledge that you do not need to go it alone. Today, if you’re carrying more than you can handle, choose to let some of it go by letting someone else in. You may feel vulnerable asking for help, but wouldn’t the world be a better place if we all learned to depend on each other? It’s not the load that breaks you down; it’s the way you carry it. Today reach out and ask for help, if you need it. Express yourself without apology and the Universe will respond to what you need in kind. Today, look for new opportunities to collaborate with people, who are capable of supporting you on your new path and together you will be able to achieve anything you desire. Together we are much better!

Just for today, I am willing to ask for help when I need it. I do not struggle in the wilderness of Life alone. I ask for help whenever I need it. I ask for help. I tell Life what I want and I allow it to happen. Life supports me in every possible way and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Time to move forward

Happy February!  It’s  a new month and it’s time we all move forward. This month holds deep, profound healing for us individually and collectively. And, it holds the energy that will help us finally to move forward! However, moving forward into unknown territory can be frightening. So, today as you move forward and begin to do things that may scare you, know that you are doing your best. If you’re doing something new that you’ve failed at before, know that you are doing your best. If you are doing something that you feel like you’re failing at now, know that you are doing your best. And most importantly, regardless of what you achieve, know that you deserve your own respect and admiration for being a person who is willing to try, for your courage of moving forward. February holds so much potential for growth and momentum to move forward. Keep moving forward with love and respect for yourself for doing the best you can.

Just for today, I choose to feel good about myself. Every morning I remind myself that I have the choice to feel good. This is a new habit for me to cultivate. I release the need to blame anyone, including myself. We are all doing the best with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that we have. All my experiences are a part of the fullness and richness of life. Out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.


Today we end the first month of the New Year.  And, before we rush into a new month, it would be a good idea to take some time to forgive-to forgive yourself and anyone in your life that disappointed you. Or maybe you need to forgive yourself for getting into a situation where you felt hurt or betrayed. Either way, it's important that today you consciously make peace with your past so you can attract more love in your life now. And, as you heal your heart through forgiveness and letting go of the past, you can bring more blessings into your life in this present moment. For you see, it is your energy that attracts all good things to you and self-love is the most potent magnifier for positive intentions. If you're not receiving what you desire right now, today choose to focus more on your feelings of love and self-worth rather than trying to do more, or being more. As you choose to treat yourself with respect and compassion, you will attract people who mirror your self-worth. If you find yourself surrounded by people who mistreat you, it could be that you are not listening to your intuition and following your head rather than your heart. Or it could be that deep down inside you do not believe you deserve more. Today, set your intentions for this new day and the new month to remain loyal to yourself, your dreams, and your intuition and you cannot go wrong. As long as you are true to yourself, then you will find the happiness, love and fulfillment that you desire.

Just for today, I am willing to forgive everyone for all past perceived wrongs. I release them with love. They are now free and I am now free to move forward with love in my heart. As I forgive myself, it is easier to forgive others. I forgive myself to for not being perfect. I am living the best way I know how. I now love and approve of myself unconditionally. I attract only loving people into my life for the are a mirror of who and what I am. I am safe. I am worthy of all that is good in life and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.

Inner Wisdom

Throughout all of our lives, there is an inner voice offering us guidance, sometimes gently and sometimes much more urgently. Sometimes we listen and other times we brush it aside, discount it or completely ignore it. This voice goes by different names: inner voice, inner guide, intuition, spiritual guide, inner wisdom, or whatever you choose.It’s not a voice you hear necessarily, but a sense or a feeling (though it can be a voice for some). It can be a hunch or fleeting feeling, image, or impression-"a gut feeling". You don’t have to be an intuitive person to experience this. In fact, you are constantly taking in impressions throughout the day with your finely tuned senses and processing them. Today, tune in to that inner voice, to those gut feelings because they hold your truth and are incredibly valuable to you. Accessing that inner guidance enables you to become better at handling problems or, in general, handling life. Today, make time to be still and quiet whether it is through meditation or taking a walk in nature, make the time to listen to your inner voice because it has all the answers to all your questions. Today, allow your inner wisdom to guide you, not your fear and not the opinions and beliefs of others. Today, listen and allow your intuition/your inner wisdom to guide you.

Just for today, I trust my intuition. I listen with love to my inner voice. I am willing to listen to that small still voice within me. And when I do I hear all the answers to all the questions I shall ever ask. My intuition is always on my side. I trust it to be there at all times. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Autopilot no more

As creatures of habit, we all tend to move through the day on automatic pilot, sticking to a schedule and a plan, moving out of muscle memory but not intention. We awaken and somehow go on autopilot, sometimes not even knowing how we got to where we were going.  However, living a life on autopilot is a recipe for discontent and disconnection.  Living on autopilot makes certain that you miss the life you desire and deserve. And living more out of habit than intention keeps you totally out of touch with your intuition or inner wisdom. And, it is when you are simply doing things out of habit or what you "think" is right, is when you truly lose your way. Today, set your intentions to step out of your comfort zone and break some habits. Those habits and your habitual ways of living, which may make you feel safe but are keeping you stuck and suffering.  Right now, the Universe wants us all to feel un-rooted and un-grounded; to be living out of our comfort zones so that we will keep moving. Today, recognize that it is time to change things up. And, even though it might feel uncomfortable, you will find that you are moving into a better way of being in the long run. Today, live less out of habit and more out of intent. Today, turn off the autopilot and take control of how you live your life. 

Just for today, I do something different. I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and experience life in a whole new way. I am learning to step out of my comfort zone without fear. Each day I stretch my comfort zone a little further. I am willing to learn something new every day. I am safe. It is only change and Life supports me in every possible way. And so it is.

Commit to yourself!

The definition of insanity, as you may know,  is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”.  And perhaps recently you’ve been experiencing that insanity, as you begin a new year and attempt to try to change things up.  Today, it is time to consciously stop the insanity and commit to the changes that you want to make in your life.  Today, set your intentions to allow those people, places, things and beliefs that you “tried” to let go of because they no longer serve any purpose in your life, to fall away, even if your monkey mind has created reasons why you still need them in your life. Whatever it is that you’ve convinced yourself that you still need in your life,  in truth is keeping you stuck, even if it feels safe and familiar, even if you’ve made up a bunch of reasons why it’s still okay to remain attached. Today, be okay with open spaces in your life that happen when you choose to let go. Trust that those spaces will be filled with new, positive energy and new growth.  Today, it is time to stop the insanity and commit to yourself to live in a whole new way with new people, with new thoughts, with new beliefs and with a whole new perspective on how truly deserving of good you are.

Just for today, I am willing to grow and change. I know that in order to change my life outside, I must change inside. The moment I am willing to change it is amazing how the Universe begins to help me. It brings me everything I need. I am safe. It is only change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

First Full Moon of 2024

It’s the first Full Moon of 2024, and it falls in the heart-expanding sign of Leo. The first Full Moon of the year offers us an opportunity to reset, purge, and cleanse the energies of last year. It is our opportunity to create space for the future we wish to create. Having the Full Moon in Leo is an invitation for us all to dream big, focus on our passions, and work from the heart, not just for the money. It offers fun-loving vibrations that we can use to infuse our lives with joy and playfulness. And, joy is something we all want more of in our lives, and this Full Moon invites you to not only connect with your joy, but to start clearing and doing away with all that blocks you from receiving joy in your life. Joy is something we have to create for ourselves, so today, ask yourself how can you use the energy of this Full Moon to create more of it.  Often, creating more joy requires us to do away with things, rather than introduce anything new. We may have to do away with something important like an outdated job or relationship, but chances are, for most of us, we will be doing away with attitudes and beliefs that are preventing us from recognizing the joy that is already present. This Full Moon invites you to create more joy in your life by turning to the simple things, and by focusing on gratitude in the smaller, precious moments that find us throughout the day. Today, accept that invitation and be willing to let go of what is stopping you from experiencing joy in your life.

Just for today, I handle my life with joy and ease. I express joy and Life returns the favor. It is safe for me to experience more joy in every area of my life. I love Life. And so it is.

Surrender and Let Go!

There comes a time when you have to let everything fall a part. When you have to stop fighting for a life you’ve outgrown and trust that you will be okay, even if you can’t see how right now. For a while everything may feel messy and hard and you may feel scared and lost. But, do not struggle to remain attached to your past or to dreams you thought would come true. Today it is time to surrender and accept that uncertainty is a necessary part of life but you will move through it. Today trust that the dark tunnel of change leads to the light of possibility but first you have to go through it. Today surrender and choose to believe you live in a friendly universe. Choose to let go of your need to control everything and everyone. Today choose to let go of who you were so you can become who you’re supposed to be. Choose to surrender and be at peace with the process of Life.

Just for today I surrender to what is. I let go of what was and I have faith in what will be. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.


Today Venus, the planet of love enters the grounded, stabilizing Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn is practical and pragmatic. Love is not blind here nor is it something out of a fairytale, but something we need to consider carefully. So, today ask yourself how are your relationships serving you? How are you serving others? The answers to those questions may show you that you may need to make changes in what you have chosen to accept in your relationships. For you see, we often have outgrown things and people in our lives and we may not even be aware of it! And what no longer serves us can prevent us from living the life we want to live. Today, begin to see and feel the relationships that just don’t feel good any longer, the relationships that you have to give too much or that you feel like you’re walking on eggshells all the time.  And then begin to see where you would benefit from creating some better boundaries or perhaps, in some cases you just need to consciously let go of them because they no longer serve you. Today, be willing to expect more from your relationships.   Today have the courage to set boundaries, have the courage to love yourself, even when you risk disappointing others. The only people who will get upset by you setting healthy boundaries are the ones that are benefiting from you have none.

Just for today, I respect my boundaries and I insist others to do. I am a master at setting healthy boundaries that save my time, energy, creativity and emotional well being. I say no when I mean no and yes when I mean yes. I know what I want and I do not have to apologize for it. I am at peace even in the midst of chaos. No person, place or thing has any power to upset me. I am safe. I am loved and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is

The truth about technology

We live in a world of technology which offers us access to one another 24 hrs a day.  And yet, that constant access, the constant scrolling or checking of emails can leave us feeling distracted and disconnected. For your see, when we’re constantly “connecting”, we miss out on what is really happening! In truth, the only way to be available for what’s in front of you, which is the only thing that is real, is to be less available for everything else. Today, set your intentions to really connect by disconnecting from all the ways that you think you’re staying in touch. Today consciously choose to be present and get in touch with what is really happening right in front of you. This means you choose to stop and really hear what your friends are saying in front of you instead of checking to see what other friends are tweeting/what ingenuous video they posted on TikTok. It means you stop feeling like the narrator of your life—sharing everything the moment it happens—and instead feel fully alive in your experiences. The web is a sticky place, and we can easily get lost there in our determination to stay informed and connected. There’s nothing wrong with using technology–it certainly enhances our lives. You just need to know when to disconnect from the stream so that you don’t disconnect from yourself.

Just for today, I recognize that my power only exists in the present moment.  I am a powerful person because I live in the present moment. I am willing to let go of the need to struggle and suffer.  I am willing to look within for all the validation that I seek. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.

Aquarius Season is here!

Subconsciously, we’re all searching for true meaning in our lives. We think of it as trying to find happiness or a purpose. And, society teaches us we’ll be happy by following norms that make us the same as others. We are encouraged to seek happiness outside of ourselves rather than connecting inward and being fulfilled by the things we love. Therefore, we seek approval from others to find our value. We look for partners to “complete” us and we strive to make money to buy us things that we think will bring us happiness and security. As a result of our need to fit in, we forget who we are. We stop living freely and fully. But rather, we spend our time grasping for an elusive happiness on the outside. Today, it is time to celebrate and begin to value your uniqueness. And that is the lesson of the sign of Aquarius, which we will move into tomorrow.  The Aquarian energy wants us to celebrate our uniqueness, which will ultimately benefit the greater good. Aquarius is paradoxical in that it fosters benefiting the greater good while celebrating the uniqueness of each individual. So today, begin to celebrate and value your uniqueness. Today, begin to celebrate what makes you difference and unique from anyone else. Begin to notice where you have abandoned your uniqueness so that you could fit in or appear more "normal". Today, acknowledge that we all have differences in a world that values similarity. But by opening your heart and mind and being completely free to explore what matters to you, you will be able to learn who you are. You can begin to value and appreciate your uniqueness!

Just for today, I am my own unique self. I accept my uniqueness. There is no competition or comparison for we are all different and we’re meant to be that way. I am special and wonderful. I love and approve of myself exactly as I am. I move beyond self imposed limitation into freedom. I am now becoming all that I was created to be. I am safe, divinely guided and protected. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is