Love and miracles

Louise Hay said many years ago that one thing that heals every problem is truly loving yourself. She said that when people start to love themselves more each day, it’s amazing how their lives get better. They feel better. Their lives transform. Today, make YOU and your self care your priority. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as if you were someone you really love. Remember that self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change your thoughts. Love yourself today do not wait until your life is your vision of "perfect". Begin today and just do the best you can and watch what happens.


Just for today, I love myself just the way I am. I focus on self care and I am rewarded with a bright outlook. I recognize that love is the great miracle cure and that loving myself will create miracles in my life. I am safe. I am loved and I now welcome miracles into my life. And so it is.