Divine Timing

The Universe often knows the ideal time to bring something into your life. The problem is that your ego isn’t always privy to this divine timeline and can get frustrated when something takes longer than expected, just as the ego can get scared when something shows up before you feel ready. Today, as you process the changes within and around you, consciously choose to trust that everything happens in divine order and divine timing, even if its not what you or your ego had planned. Today, consciously choose to be patient with yourself, with the people in your life and just go with the flow. Today, know that times of chaos are always followed by order and calm. It is the nature of change. It is the nature of divine timing.


Just for today, I trust the perfection of divine timing and allow my life to unfold as it should. I trust that there is Divine Timing in everything and just because it is not happening now does not mean it never will. I am divinely guided, protected and loved at all times. And everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.